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Product Model Description

Model description of centrifugal fan

Example: LKP H B 250 M 2 – 4 C3 X
Centrifugal fan model consists of nine parts
Part I: Model code, expressed in English letters
Code  LKW    meaning double-inlet centrifugal fans with external rotor motor
Code  LKWD    meaning single-inlet centrifugal fans with external rotor motor
Code  LKWG    meaning duct fans with external rotor motor
Code  LKZD    meaning single-inlet shaft-drive centrifugal fans
Code  LKZS    meaning double-case shaft-drive centrifugal fans
Code  LKP    meaning double-inlet belt-drive centrifugal fans
Code  LKPS    meaning double-case belt-drive centrifugal fans
Part II: Blade bending direction code
Code  None    meaning forward-curved-blade
Code  H    meaning backward-curved-blade
Part III: Code for explosion-proof
Code  None    meaning  conventional product
Code  B    meaning  explosion-proof
Part IV: Impeller diameter code, expressed in mm for outer diameter of fan impeller.
Part V: Case width code, in English letters, up to 2 bits
Code  SS    meaning  tiny width
Code  S    meaning    small width
Code  M    meaning    medium width
Code  L    meaning    large width
Part VI: Designing sequence codes
When the number is 1, it is not marked.
Part VII: Motor poles number code
For AC asynchronous motor, it is represented by poles of the motor. For EC motor, it is represented by EC.
Part VIII: Specific code for single-phase motor
Code  C    meaning single-speed single-phase motor
Code  C2    meaning double-speed single-phase motor
Code  C3    meaning three-speed single-phase motor
Part IX: Code for motor installation mode
Code  None    meaning conventional product
Code  L    meaning B5 motor, shaft-drive vertical installation
Code  X    meaning B3 Motor, belt-drive Down Installation
Code  D    meaning B3 Motor, belt-drive Top Installation
Code  E    meaning B3 Motor, belt-drive Side Installation

Model description of axial fan

Example:ZL 400 – 4  B C2
Axial fan model consists of five parts
Part I: Model code, expressed in English letters
Code    ZL     meaning axial fan with internal rotor motor
Code    ZLW    meaning axial fan with external rotor motor
Part II: Impeller diameter code, expressed in mm for outer diameter of fan impeller.
Part III: Motor poles number code
For AC asynchronous motor, it is represented by poles of the motor. For EC motor, it is represented by EC.
Part : Blowing direction code, expressed in English letters
Code  None    Meaning blowing direction from blades to motor
Code  B    Meaning blowing direction from motor to blades
Part V: Specific code for single-phase motor
Code  C    meaning single-speed single-phase motor
Code  C2    meaning double-speed single-phase motor
Code  C3    meaning three-speed single-phase motor

Shandong Qineng Ventilator Co., Ltd

Add:518 Yanjia Village, Jixia Sub-district, Linzi District, Zibo City, Shandong Province, China




